Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Trip 1 - Yucatan Adventure

Began my first trip down here on Sunday. A 2 week Yucatan Aventure... basically a quick circle to visit the highlights of the Yucatan. The trip is as follows:

Sun. - Merida
Mon. - Beach near Cuidad del Carmen
Tue. - Palenque
Wed. - Palenque (Palenque Ruins)
Thu. - Palenque (visit Bonampak & Yaxchillan)
Fri. - San Cristobal (Aqua Azul)
Sat. - San Cristobal
Sun. - San Cristobal (visit San Juan Chamula)
Mon. - Calakmul (camp in Jungle)
Tues. - Laguna Bacalar
Wed. - Xpu-Ha (Near Tulum)
Thu. - Xpu-Ha (Tulum ruins and Cavern Snorkel)
Fri. - Xpu-Ha (Jungle ATVs and Playa)
Sat. - Cancun

Got a pretty eclectic group. 2 girls from Germany, 1 guy from the UK, a couple (American guy and a Polish girl) from Boston, 1 Aussie girl, 2 Koren guys and a French girl. I had to laugh when I saw that one of the Korean guys was named ¨Bong¨ and the French girl was named ¨Fanny¨. I mentioned this to an English girl who works at my office in LA and she said, ¨A Bong and a Fanny... that´s all you need!¨ (My British readers should get a laugh out of that, I know I did).

Anyway the crew seems good enough. Gotta roll and meet up with them though, so I´ll have to elaborate more at a later date. Already a couple of gems to share.

PS... I have seen a couple of comments, but overall you guys are still weak sauce in that department. Thanks Gemma and Fitz (my man!) for leaving me some feedback. Fitz - I´ll be posting you site on my links asap. Peace!


Fitz said...

I am only left to hope the possiblity becomes available soon.....Dave, have you seen my map lately? Its off the hook. Make sure you the have the volume turned on when you go trekwithfitz.blogspot.com.

Take care of the bong and fanny in the matrix. Too much fanny and too little bong make fitzy crazy. Too much bong and too little fanny makes fitzy crazy. I guess life is a delicate balance after all.

Keep hip hoppin the globe Dave!

*This advertisement was made possible by the charisma of the crazy pirate.

Jemma said...

Well done Dave-o you made me smile! I'm in a massive great career dilemma at the moment and not smiling so much. You're a dude - cheers. Maybe you should thank the members of your group for their ace names too!
Am seriously tempted now to become a drum playing mexican hippy - maybe that would be the answer to everything, sounds most relaxing!
Keep on with the bloggin it's keeping me sane!

Map 2